Actually, I received my order last Friday @ 24th Sept. Oppsiee, me lambat update! Thanks to my sis, Tass sebab collectkan from PhatMummy. We had small makan @ Adik Tass crib that nite so my red velvet cake jadi pencuci mulut. This cake was soo yummeh, soft & moist sgt. Kata Tass macam tuan buatnya...cantik & sedap mata memandang!!
I tot this cake kecik jer tapi sebenarnya besar okeh. Berbaloi2 dgn harganya! I dah risau sgt sebab still banyak balance. Wondering macam mane rasa/ keadaan RVC if I kept for the next day? I wanna shared this yummy red velvet cake with my neighbour and my in laws family tapi takkan nak ketuk pintu rumah org on midnite kan? But guess what? This RVC still on very good condition, still moist, still fresh!!
So, sesape yg suka sgt Red Velvet Cake drpd you all beli 1 or 2 slice better beli sebijik homemade Red Velvet Cake from PhatMummy. No regret!!
looks so yummy. the colours are outstanding!
ReplyDeleteape rase die? mind to share?femes btul kek ni.
ReplyDeletebelle: for me PhatMummy punye cake ni sedap.I tak penah rasa tempat lain punye lagi..ape2 pun rasa dia mantops!
ReplyDeleteFarah:Setahu I ada cocoa powder tp I tak rasa langsung "kecoklatan" tu. Taste dia lain. Sedap..tp kedai lain tak taulah pulak. Cream cheese tu buatkan cake tulah lagi sedap..for sure!
ReplyDeletehi byzura,
ReplyDeletethank you for the kind words and nice review of the cake. :) glad u liked it
actually, i myself tak pernah rasa red velvet cake in other places. maybe i should, to compare with mine and improve where i can :)