My son, Adam Haiqal was 4 year old. At this ages he's very curious in almost everything. He want to try new games, learning to form relationships with new friends and keep questioning what happens around him. As learning process, he will exposes with germs which can cause a lot of sickness to him. To protect him, I have to increased and boost Adam immunity system.

So, this is how I increased and boost Adam immunity system :-
Healthy Meal
Previously, Adam always had a flu and cough. We regularly visit the paediatrician but his condition still the same. The doctor asked me about Adam daily sleep routine. Yes, I admit that Adam had sleep deprivation due to his activity which make him difficult to take a nap or even sleep. Therefore, I’ll make sure Adam has enough sleep. Studies show that child's body will regenerates, repairs and renews itself while sleeping. Now everything had changed. Adam more healthy than before!
I teach Adam to wash his hand after playing outside, handling pets, blowing his runny nose, using the bathroom and the most important is before and after meal. When we were out, I always brings Dettol Hand Sanitizer and wet wipes for quick cleanups.
Cigarette smoke can irritate or kill our cells in the body and we know that kids are more susceptible that adults to secondhand smoke. As my husband are smoker, he only can smoke outside the house.Make sure that he wash his hand before he touch our kids and change his outfit before sleep together. I also try to avoid Adam from smoking area.
Do you realize that your household cleaners and personal care product has harmful chemicals?Exposure to chemicals can damage the immune system and make it more difficult to fight common infections. As mother, I always want make sure that our floors are clean and germ-free for our kids to play on. That why I choose cleaners with natural extracts and leaves no harmful chemicals behind, making it safe for your kids to play on the floor.
Love are wonderful way to boost immunity. As a working mother, my time was so limited. Therefore I will make sure that I'll hug and kiss Adam regularly. Before I go to work in the morning, I'll hug and kiss Adam and tell him that I love him. Before sleep, I'll read a "Doa" and kiss him & again I'll tell him that I love him so much. Children that grow up in a loving environment feel more much secure, enjoys happy life and at the same time strengthen the immunity. Not to forget, eating meals together that will strengthen the relationship and feel a part of family.
Play Time....Enjoy!
Give your child plenty of fresh air. Go for walks in the woods, country or parks. Let your child run, jump, dance and climb. Don't coddle your child. If they want to run without a hat or gloves, let them do so. Allow them to run barefoot on the grass and climb trees. Nature is an excellent immune stimulator and being exposed in a happy, healthy way does wonders to all aspects of your child's life.increase in blood flow associated with moderate exercise helps to circulate antibodies along with white blood cells necessary to fight infection more quickly. As a result, this provides our bodies with an early warning system to ward off potentially damaging germs. In addition, the increase in body temperature as a result of physical activity may aid in inhibiting the growth of bacteria; thus allowing the body to fight infection more effectively.
Boost immune system by drinking plenty of filtered water.Water is essential for all living things and keeps our immune system operating optimally while improving the way we feel, look and live. Without sufficient amounts of water, you may experience routine fatigue, dry skin, headaches, constipation and a decrease normal bodily function which may lead to your body unable to fight off diseases. Without water we would literally dehydrate which could result in the shutting down of vital organs and
ultimately end in death. Beside plain water, Adam loves fruit juice especially watermelon and orange.
Supplements are needed because our bodies can not produce the nutrients necessary to maintain optimum health. There are many nutrients needed in order to maintain a strong immune system. I gave Adam Appeton A-Z Kid’s Vitamin C to promotes stronger body resistance toward infection.It's a chewable tablet in square shapes with engraved alphabetical design which special formulated for children. It is available in 3 flavours which are orange, strawberry and blackcurrant. Appeton A-Z Kid’s Vitamin C is free from saccharin. 
Healthy Meal
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, but Adam don't like vegetables!! Thanks to God that he loves fruit very much. He eat bananas, apples, papayas, oranges and mango's which contain high immunity boosting.Vitamin C increases the production of antibodies, white blood cells, and interferon levels in the body, while beta-carotene increases the number of infection-fighting cells in the body.
Quality Sleep
Hygiene First!
No Smoking Please!

Non Toxic Area
I Love You!
Play Time....Enjoy!
Drink Milk!
I loves this quotes. Every mother have deep concern about their children. Friso® Gold backed with Frisoshield ™ with P2 Dual System™.Frisoshield ™ with P2 Dual System™ is a combination of key nutrients together with prebiotics and healthy live bacteria- Prebiotics such as combination of GOS and FOS help increase intestinal bifidobacteria1 and maintain good intestinal environment1.
Bifidobacterium lactis may help in reducing diarrhea cases.1 Friso® Gold 4 also contains DHA, AA, SA and other essential nutrients that aid a growing child's overall development.With Friso® Gold Frisoshield™ P2 Dual System™, I can allow Adam to explore his world and at the same time, giving me peace of mind at work.
Drink More Water.

Drink More Water.

Take supplements.

Curious kids need to be tough inside!!!
I'm sharing this for Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out Contest.The most interesting 80 entries will be given a family invite (for 2 adults and 2 children) to attend the Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out@ 2/1/2010.And the blogger with the best entry would be walking away with a 3 Days 2 Nights holiday package for a family of 4 to Disneyland Hong Kong! Not to forget RM100 Toys ‘R’ Us vouchers to be given away to the 10 blog entries with the most effort.
Wish me luck....really hope to get this invitation!!!
Good Luck..Best of the best entry ;)
ReplyDeletethanks onniey...cant wait for the result :P
ReplyDeleteVery very very good entry....
best of luck and see you there!!!
hi kheirul,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot! still waiting for the invitation.
your entry lagik best...wish u luck tooo....