That was the best partlah kerja sendiri ni. Luckily, job house renovation kat Cheras dah siap. So he can spend his time jaga me & Airis. My SIL, my my mother & my aunty datang for the first week saje, lepas tu semua my hubby buat termasuk mandikan baby :) Kalau hubby ada job, he will settled everything first early morning then buat keje dia :)
During this 1 month period, I have tried a few brand of diapers, wipes tissue, baby wash & baby lotion for Airis. Saje beli mcm2 brand, takdelah kena stick to one brand je.

I beli this newborn diapers from Toys R Us. Murah je RM 24.90 tak silap.Oklah sebab baby baru lahir kerap poo poo kan. Airis pulak jenis tak boleh tunggu lama2 mesti merengek2. Geli kot :) Btw, Airis ok jer with this brand, takde rashes pun.

Lepas habis, I pakaikan Mamy Poko Newborn pulak.Airis ok with this brand, takde rashes jugak.Alhamdulillah.

Currently, pakai PetPet Newborn pulak.Ok tu ok, cuma saiz newborn ni kecik sket compared ngan Mamy Poko. Rasanya next week, dah takleh pakai dah. Takut melecet pulak kat peha tu :)

Baby wipes ni pun beli kat Toys R Us. Ok takde problem.Bau pun ok, taklah wangi semacam. Cuma brand ni taklah se"wet" mcm brand Pureen tapi I suka.

Brand Pureen ni, memang selalu guna even takda baby pun. Currently guna untuk Airis & alhamdulillah she ok with it.
Actually, Airis have sensitive skin which I don't realised earlier. I thot it just a normal baby rashes kat muka & leher tapi its getting worse especially kat leher jadi merah yang sgt teruk sampai macam takde kulit dah.Nampak daging je. Dahlah Airis bam bam kan, so leher memang tak nampak. Muka pulak, banyak rashes soo muka blushing jer :) So, I bawak dia jumpa specialist & Dr advised to change the baby lotion & baby soap. Tak boleh pakai market brand baby soap or baby lotion even J & J sekali pun. Currently she used Eucerin Wash Lotion & Eucerin Lotion. Untuk leher I gunakan Cetaphil. I bancuh Cetaphil dgn air sikit then bersihkan leher Airis guna cotton ball. Price?? Mamanya boleh pengsan ok! I pesan pada Adam, jangan pakai Adik punya sebab kalau dia pakai satu botol ni hanya akan tahan 1 minggu sajok :) Alhamdulillah, sejak pakai Eucerin & Cetaphil ni no more rashes.Bersih je kulit Airis. So semua toilettries yang Airis dapat as a gifts, yang macam stock setahun tu sekarang ni dilenjan oleh Abang Adam tak lupa juga my hubby. Sabun baby bau sedap katanya :) hehehehe...

Oklah itu saje.Lain kali I cerita lagik eh...tataaaaaa
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