You all ingat tak my entry "Curious Kids Need To Be Tough Inside" ??? That entry actually for Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out Contest. The most interesting 80 entries will be given a family invite (for 2 adults and 2 children) to attend the Nuffnang Friso Gold Family Day Out on Saturday @ 2/1/2010 and guess what??? I received the invitation thru my Gmail on 28/12/2009. Yeayyyy!!! At least, Adam will have fun activities at Kizsports & Gym before he start schooling on Monday....
We all sampai sharp2 10.00 am. We all register, collect the sticker name tag & get 1 free shirt for Adam. Shirt tuh terbesar sikitlah, nasib baik Adam nak pakai cuz dia cerewet sket bab baju2 ni.

This event start around 10.30 am when after Nicholas from Nuffnang & Friso's Representative give a simple opening speech. BTW, MC for that event is Marcus! Thumb up for him.....pandai control situation!

And Adam..... happily play games with others kid. Ada dancing, lompat2 kat round floor mat, pecahkan belon, sand art pun ade. Tapi, Adam tak buat sand art cuz dia nak main kat tempat lain.

After makan2, me & hubby temankan Adam memain kat Playland lagi. Seronok sgtlah tu sampai tak nak mkn.

After mkn2 ade Magic Show at Playland. Boleh tahanlah....tak lah best sgt pun cuz Adam sampai tertido! Hehehe....letih sgt agaknye....

This event finish around 3 pm & before balik every family will received goddies bag from Friso!!! Adam punye Friso Gold 4 & strawberry drinks ..the rest mama dia yg punye! Hehehehe :D
We all memang tired gile tak ingat...but we had so much fun here! Million thanks to Nuffnang & Friso for organizing this wonderful event. Hopefully there more event like this! My hubby pun happy sgt & dia pun tak sangka so many advantages bila blogging & join Nuffnang ni. Hope 2010, I akan more active to participate & attend Nuffnang event....
Credit Picture from SawaGallery
BTW.. thank tolong tgkkan ashraff and afriena makan... i sajer tak nak tunggu dorang makan sbb nanti dorang suruh i suapkan...bercinta suapkan dorang makan... boleh tidur kat situ
ReplyDeleteYatie:dorang pandai bwk dirilah. Adam, selagi tak teman & suapkan..tak nak mkn...
ReplyDeletewahhh... you typed there 'marcus from nuffnang'? sejak bila dia keje with nuffnang. kan ke dia under mahadhir lokman. and i thought he's a blogger too ler... ;P
ReplyDeletekak kue: iye ke?? agak2 jer. Thanks for your info. Nanti ai ediy yerk....
ReplyDeleteiye dek oii... i have met him in some bloggers event including nuffnang friso family day out in 2008, just before i went to kuching. and if you search for him in my blog, of course then you could find some blog post on events that we joined together-gather ;)